DataViz Group Members

Postdoc :
Maria Jesus Lobo (2018-2020) point cloud investigation

Phd students :
Maxime Reynal (2016-2019) Sound modalities for air traffic control

Almoctar Hassoumi (2016-2019) Gazed based interactions

Michael Traoré (2015-2018) Pixel Based technique and Volumetric data exploration

Master students :
Marie Pimpy, Toulouse University - 05/14/2018 to 08/20/2018

Chen BAO, Shandong University - 06/15/2018 to 09/05/2018

Xiaowei CHU, Shandong University - 08/13/2018 to 10/31/2018

Invited :
Pourang Irani -- Website -- (2018) TeraNoVa project
Past Members

Émilien Dubois (2014-2017) Pilot training investigations

Antoine Lhuiller (2014-2017) Alzheimer disease investigation with Edge Bundling technique

Jean-Paul Imbert (2012-2015) Automation and Adaptation Interfaces

Maxime Cordeil -- Website -- (2011-2014) Animation usages for Air Traffic Control