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It will be tempting to write that self-inductance of a winding is the ratio between the flux of B thru it (with tex2html_wrap_inline434) and the current. The formula makes sense for a linear constant permeability material like tha air, but cannot be extended for a ferromagnetic core. One must then use the general definition of self-inductance that is the derivative of tex2html_wrap_inline436 with respect to I. Under the hypotheses yielding to equation (3) of the previous paragraph, Ampere's law yields tex2html_wrap_inline440. Since the chain derivation theorem gives :
we have  :
with :
This last value is called appearing permeability or dynamic permeability. It is the slope of the tangent to the curve B =f(H) at the winding's biasing point. The relation (4) shows that the self-induction of the winding can be computed as in the linear case, but with tex2html_wrap_inline362 replaced by tex2html_wrap_inline450. All ferromagnetic materials have a flat B=f(H) curve for high absolute values of H : this implies that self-induction will decrease as the current increases.

Stephane Puechmorel
Tue Jul 8 14:22:42 WET DST 1997