
NEPHELAE is atmospheric science driven (with a focus on cloud microphysical processes) via robotic technological development (adaptive, model-guided path planning in a UAV fleet). Essentially, by merging the state-of-the-art technology, the observational tools for conducting research in atmospheric science will take a quantum leap forward. At the same time, we are using this novel approach to address decades-old questions on entrainment and the onset of precipitation that have been limited by traditional observing methods.

Cumulus type clouds at Morgan Lewis, Barbados
Cumulus type clouds at Morgan Lewis, Barbados

The UAVs that have be deployed during a field campaign in Barbados Island are capable of detecting the edges of the clouds and react to adapt their trajectory. Several patterns have been developped in collaboration with the atmospheric scientists. Each of them is dedicated to extract certain parameters at the core of the cloud or at the interface between the free atmosphere and the cloud.

Trajectories of 2 UAVs performing adaptive sampling on clouds
Trajectories of 2 UAVs performing adaptive sampling on clouds


  • Aurélien Cabarbaye (Post-Doc, airframe design)
  • Titouan Verdu (PhD student, trajectory planning and fleet control, funded by Université de Toulouse and Région Occitanie)
  • Fabien Garcia (ENAC researcher, network and communication)
  • Murat Bronz (ENAC researcher, UAV safety pilot)
  • Gautier Hattenberger (Coordinator for ENAC team)


  • CNRM, Météo-France - CNRS


The NEPHELAE project is funded by the National Research Agency (ANR)

Gautier Hattenberger
Gautier Hattenberger
Professor of Flight Dynamics, Researcher on UAV systems

My research interests include system architecture, flight control, state estimation, multi-UAV planing.