Presentation     [EN]   [FR]

Dr. Loïc Cellier is Ph.D. in Science, he studied mainly Mathematics and Computer Science.
He obtained the B.Sc. degree from University of Montpellier, and the M.Sc. degree from
Sorbonne University (campus Paris 6 - UPMC), specialized in Applied Mathematics,
specifically Game Theory, Combinatorial Optimization and Continuous Optimization.

Presentation     [EN]   [FR]

He obtained the Ph.D. degree from University of Toulouse,
with his works at the French University of Civil Aviation (ÉNAC).
He focused on Optimal Control approaches, Models and Combination
of Numerical Methods, in the context of Air Traffic Management (ATM).

Presentation     [EN]   [FR]

He willingly shares his enthusiasm for Science and Strategy Games through
playful Workshops, Conferences and Formations. He is particularly sensitive
to issues related to Education and Teaching, to Socio-Educational and
Cultural Projects, to Intergenerational and Solidarity-based Actions.

and Awards

'The essence of mathematics is freedom.'
Citation from Prof. Dr. Georg Cantor (1845-1918)

and CV

'Problems worthy of attack prove their worth by hitting back.'
Citation from Prof. Dr. Piet Hein (1905-1996)


'You are never sure whether or not a problem is good unless you actually solve it.'
Citation from Prof. Dr. Mikhaïl Gromov (Bolyai Prize 2005, Abel Prize 2009)

Main research interests

    Optimal Control. Pontryagin Principle. Dynamic Systems. Continuous Optimization. Numerical Methods.

    Operations Research. Combinatorial Optimization. Graph Theory. Computational Geometry. Oriented Matroids.

    Decision-Support. Mathematical Modelling. Applications (Air Traffic Management - ATM).
    Aircraft Conflict Avoidance. Detection Algorithms. Decomposition Algorithms. Velocity Regulation.

    Game Theory. Dynamic Games, with Discrete Time (Repeated Games). Zero-Sum Games.
    Combinatorial Games. Positional Games. Connection Games. Game of Hex.

    Teaching of Mathematics. History of Mathematics. Philosophy of Mathematics.
    Interdisciplinar and Didactical Projects. Intergenerational and Solidarity-based Activities.

and Publications

'What is well conceived is clearly enunced, and the words to say it come easily.'
Citation from Nicolas Boileau (1636–1711)

In reverse chronological order, follow the International and National Conferences   and the Publications

Conferences (40+ talks)

Symposium (web link), invitation from Chief Coordinator Özgür Özdemir, « Kanguroo Mathematics Turkey » (web link), Nesin Mathematics Village (web link), founded by Prof. Dr. Ali Nesin (Leelavati Prize 2018), Izmir-Şirince, Turkey, Apr 2020. (to be done)

Workshop, carrefour des ateliers FLE-DNL, second edition (web link), highschool SAJEV Küçük Prens (web link), French pedagogy trainer, « Games and Problem Solving: a Methodology for Teaching » (conference in French, « Jeux et résolution de problèmes : une méthodologie pour l'enseignement »), Istanbul, Turkey, Nov 2019

Conference, Centre International de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées (CIMPA) (web link), West-Asia Mathematical School (WAMS) second edition, (web link), Nesin Mathematics Village (web link), Izmir-Şirince, Turkey, Oct 2019

EUROPT Workshop 2019, working group on continuous optimization (web link), Glasgow, United Kingdom, June 2019. (presentation done by Prof. Dr. Frédéric Messine)

Symposium (web link), invitation from Doç. Dr. Cemal Çiçek, « Kanguroo Mathematics Turkey » (web link), Nesin Mathematics Village (web link), founded by Prof. Dr. Ali Nesin (Leelavati Prize 2018), Şirince, Turkey, Apr 2019.

Conference, about the game of Hex (The game of Hex - historical aspects, variants of the rules, and first properties), for the Math Week (semaine des mathématiques) (web link), French-Azerbaijani University (web link), Baku, Azerbaijan, Mar 2019.

Participation, « Rencontres : Un.e scientifique que je pourrais être » (web link), Festival Les Maths en Scène, Castanet-Tolosan, France, Mar 2018.

Audition, for a position of education coordinator (teacher-researcher) in applied mathematics and computer science; international cooperation: UFAZ project, University of Strasbourg (web link), Strasbourg, France, Jan 2018.

Conference, "a mathematical point of view on games and society", ("un point de vue mathématique sur les jeux et la société") Intergenerational cities (IGC 2017) (web link), in the frame of AlternaPolis, Human Mount institute, in collaboration with the laboratoire d'excellence Industries Culturelles Création Artistique (LabEx ICCA), maison des sciences de l'Homme MSH - Paris Nord, Saint-Denis, France, Dec 2017.

Workshop Games and Graphs (Combinatorial Games Theory, Graph game parameters, Algorithmic complexity of games), (web link), at the University of Lyon 1 Claude Bernard, (web link), organized by a consortium from the ANR GAG project (web link), Lyon - Villeurbanne, France, Oct 2017.

Seminar, Franche-Comté Research Institute of Mathematics Teaching (Institut de recherche sur l'enseignement des mathématiques IREM de Franche-Comté) (web link), University of Bourgogne - Franche-Comté (UBFC), Besançon, France, Sept 2017.

Audition, for a temporary academic position: teaching fellow (in French, enseignant ou professeur agrégé PRAG) in mathematics and innovative pedagogies, at the Institute Villebon - Georges Charpak (web link), Excellence initiatives in teaching and learning techniques (Initiatives d'excellence en formations innovantes IDEFI) (web link), Orsay, France, June 2017.

Audition, for a permanent academic position: associate professor (in French, maître de conférences MCF), in mathematics, epistemology and numerical culture, at the Université de La Réunion (web link), Champs-sur-Marne, France, May 2017.

Conference, Commission of French Research Institutes of Mathematics Teaching, within the research group Popularization of Mathematics (in French, Commission inter-IREM, groupe "popularisation des mathématiques"), Halle aux Farines, University of Paris 7 Paris Diderot (UP7) (web link), 13th arrondissement, Paris, France, May 2017.

Workshop, "Academic Days" ("Journées académiques"), at the Université de Lille 1, Lille Research Institute of Mathematics Teaching (Intitut de recherche sur l'enseignement des mathématiques IREM de Lille), University of Lille (web link), Lille - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Apr 2017.

Workshop, "Explain me your PhD thesis" ("Raconte-moi ta thèse"), Paris Mathematical Science Fondation (Fondation des sciences mathématiques de Paris FSMP) (web link), National event "Science Festival" ("Fête de la science", Institut Henri Poincaré (IHP) (web link), 5th arrondissement, Paris, France, Dec 2016.

Workshop, week of studies (for young researchers), topic: "Mathematics and Industrial/Business Problems" (Semaine d'Étude Maths-Entreprises SEME) (web link) The initiative is jointly founded by the research group Mathematics and Business, and by the French Agency AMIES "Mathematics in interaction with Business and Society" (GdR CNRS Mathématiques et Entreprises et de l'agence pour les mathématiques en interaction avec l'entreprise et la société AMIES) (web link). The aim of workshop is to create some research discussions/works between Industrial/Business people and Academic Mathematics people, via the modelling/mathematics studies of new problems arising from Industrial/Business environment. École centrale de Marseille (web link) Technopôle de Château-Gombert, Marseille, France, June 2016.

Audition, for a temporary academic position: assistant professor (in French, enseignant-chercheur temporaire ou maître assistant associé MAA), in operations research and industry production, at the École des Mines de Nantes (web link), France, June 2016.

Audition, for a permanent academic position: associate professor (in French, enseignant-chercheur ou maître associé MA) in Applied Mathematics, at the École Centrale de Paris (web link), Salle des Conseils, Grande Voie des Vignes, Châtenay-Malabry, France, May 2016.

International conference, Emerging Trends in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (ETAMM) (web link), Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD) (web link), Perpignan, France, May 2016.

Audition, for a permanent academic position: researcher (in French, chargé de recherche CR2), in operations research, planification and railway capacity management, at the French Institute of sciences and technologies about transport, development and networks (Institut français des sciences et technologies des transports, de l'aménagement et des réseaux IFSTTAR) (web link), Saint-Ouen, France, May 2016.

Workshop, "SMAI-MODE Days" ("Journées annuelles"), French Society of Applied Mathematics and Industrial Mathematics (Société de mathématiques appliquées et industrielles), and research group Mathematics of Optimization and Decision (Mathématiques de l'optimisation et de la décision) (SMAI MODE) (web link), École nationale supérieure d'électrotechnique, d'électronique, d'informatique, d'hydraulique et des télécommunications (ÉNSÉÉIHT) (web link), Toulouse, France, Mar 2016.

Seminar LIRMM-DALI, research group LIRMM and project-team DALI, (web link), Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD) (web link), Perpignan, France, Feb 2016.

Workshop, "MOA Days" ("Journées annuelles"), Research group Mathematics of Optimization and Applications (Groupe de recherche (GdR) 3273 Mathématiques de l'optimisation et applications MOA) (web link), Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté (UBFC) (web link), Dijon, France, Dec 2015.

Ph.D. thesis defense ("Soutenance de thèse de doctorat en science"), The French University of Civil Aviation (École nationale de l'aviation civile ÉNAC), (web link), University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France, Sept 2015.

Doctoral seminar, ("Séminaire des doctorants ÉNAC"), The French University of Civil Aviation École nationale de l'aviation civile ÉNAC) (web link), University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France, Sept 2015.

Workshop, "3D'14 DALI Doctoral Days 2014", research group LIRMM project-team DALI (web link), research laboratory Arago, Sorbonne Université, campus Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC, University Paris 6) (web link), Banyuls-sur-Mer, France, Nov 2014.

Workshop, days with mini-conferences ("International Friday"), Perpignan Institute of Technology for Management, Supply Chain and Transport (Institut universitaire de technologie, filière gestion, logistique et transport IUT GLT), University of Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD) (web link), Perpignan, France, Nov 2014.

Doctoral seminar, "Séminaire de doctorants DocToMe", University Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier (UT3) (web link), Toulouse, France, May 2014.

National Conference, ROADEF 2014, French commission of Operations Research and Decision-support (Congrès français de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision) (web link), Bordeaux Mathematical Institute (Institut de mathématiques de Bordeaux IMB) (web link), University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France, Feb 2014.

International conference, ICCOPT 2013, International Conference on Continuous Optimization (web link), Universidade de Coimbra (web link), Lisboa, Portugal, Aug 2013.

International Conference, Recent Advances on Optimization, (web link) (poster presentation), European Center of basic and applied research specialized in modelling and numerical simulation (Centre européen de recherche et de formation avancée en calcul scientifique CERFACS) (web link), Toulouse, France, July 2013.

International Conference, ISIATM 2013, 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Science for Innovative Air Traffic Management (web link), The French University of Civil Aviation (École nationale de l'aviation civile ÉNAC) (web link), University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France, July 2013.

Doctoral seminar, Mid-term PhD defense ("Soutenance de mi-parcours"), Doctoral School of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Telecommunications of Toulouse (École doctorale mathématiques, informatique et télécommunications de Toulouse ÉDMITT) (web link), Toulouse, France, May 2013.

International Conference, ATACCS 2013, (poster presentation), 3rd International Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems (web link), Università degli Studi di Napoli 'Federico II' (UNINA) (web link), Naples, Italie, May 2013.

National Conference, ROADEF 2013, French commission of Operations Research and Decision-support (Congrès français de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision) (web link), University of Troyes (UTT) (web link), Troyes, France, Feb 2013.

International Conference, ADVCOMP 2012, 6th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences (web link), Barcelone, Espagne, Sept 2012.

Doctoral seminar, ÉNSÉÉIHT PhD students Days ("Journée des doctorants ÉNSÉÉIHT"), École nationale supérieure d'électrotechnique, d'électronique, d'informatique et des télécommunications (ÉNSÉÉIHT) (web link), Toulouse, France, Sept 2012.

Seminar, Lab MAIAA Seminar ("Séminaire du laboratoire MAIAA", Mathématiques Appliquées, Informatique et Automatique pour l'Aérien), The French University of Civil Aviation (École nationale de l'aviation civile ÉNAC) (web link), University of Toulouse, Toulouse, France, Apr 2012.

National Conference, ROADEF 2012, French commission of Operations Research and Decision-support (Congrès français de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision) (web link), University of Angers (web link), Angers, France, Feb 2012.

Publications. Erdős' Number4.

Loïc Cellier, - work in progress -, book of university teaching level, lectures and exercises (main topic: decision-support; operations research and quantitative techniques, in French)

Loïc Cellier, - work in progress -, book of a strategy game, problems and tactical templates (main topic: the game of hex, in French)

Loïc Cellier, Mickaël Launay and Chloé Milsonneau, chapters of book, number 73 "Les Mathématiques", Collection Sciences, Encyclopédie Tout l'Univers, Éditions Hachette, Paris, France, 2017. (12 pre-maquetted pages in French; collective book) ⟨08384.22062017⟩

Sonia Cafieri, Loïc Cellier, Frédéric Messine, Riadh Omheni. Combination of optimal control approaches for aircraft conflict avoidance via velocity regulation. Optimal Control Applications and Methods, Wiley, 2018, 39 (1), pp.181-203. (23 pages) ⟨10.1002/oca.2344⟩, ⟨hal-01575705⟩

Frédéric Messine, Sonia Cafieri, Loïc Cellier and Riadh Omheni. Combination of optimal control approaches for aircraft conflict avoidance via velocity regulation. EUROPT Workshop 2019, June 2019, Glasgow, United Kingdom. (1 page) (

Loïc Cellier, Sonia Cafieri, Frédéric Messine. Optimal control approaches for aircraft conflict avoidance using speed regulation: a numerical study. ISIATM 2013, 2nd International Conference on Interdisciplinary Science for Innovative Air Traffic Management, July 2013, Toulouse, France. (9 pages) ⟨hal-00867935⟩

Frédéric Messine, Sonia Cafieri, Loïc Cellier. Combining direct and indirect methods to solve aircraft conflict avoidance problems. ICCOPT 2013, 4th International Conference on Continuous Optimization, July 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. (1 page) ⟨hal-00909730⟩

Loïc Cellier, Sonia Cafieri, Frédéric Messine. A decomposition-based optimal control approach for aircraft conflict avoidance performed by velocity regulation. ATACCS 2013, 3rd International Conference on Application and Theory of Automation in Command and Control Systems, May 2013, Naples, Italy. pp 111-113 (3 pages) ISBN: 978-1-4503-2249-2, ⟨10.1145/2494493.2494508⟩, ⟨hal-00909697⟩

Loïc Cellier, Sonia Cafieri, Frédéric Messine. Hybridizing direct and indirect optimal control approaches for aircraft conflict avoidance. ADVCOMP 2012, Sixth International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences, Sept 2012, Barcelona, Spain. pp 42-45. (4 pages) ⟨hal-00938826⟩

Loïc Cellier, Sonia Cafieri, Frédéric Messine. Régulation en vitesse pour un problème d'évitement de conflit aérien : combinaison des résolutions directe et indirecte de contrôle optimal. ROADEF 2014, 15ème congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Feb 2014, Bordeaux, France. (2 pages) ⟨hal-00946352⟩

Loïc Cellier, Sonia Cafieri, Frédéric Messine. Combinaison de méthodes de contrôle optimal pour l'évitement de collision dans le trafic aérien. ROADEF 2013, 14ème congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Feb 2013, Troyes, France. (2 pages) ⟨hal-00934775⟩

Loïc Cellier, Sonia Cafieri, Frédéric Messine. Résolution de conflit aérien par contrôle optimal basé sur la régulation en vitesse. ROADEF 2012, 13ème congrès annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Apr 2012, Angers, France. (2 pages) ⟨hal-00934804⟩

Loïc Cellier, Évitement de conflits aériens par une régulation subliminale en vitesse : modélisation et résolution via le contrôle optimal (English title: Velocity-based aircraft conflict avoidance through optimal control model and solution approaches), thèse de Doctorat en Science, Toulouse, France, 2015. (161 pages) ⟨tel-02139581⟩ ⟨2015TOU30194.pdf⟩ ⟨semanticscholar⟩

Loïc Cellier, Topological Representation Theorem for Oriented Matroids (French title: Théorème de représentation topologique pour les matroïdes orientés), Master Research degree thesis (Mémoire de Master Recherche), Paris, France, 2010. (84 pages, in French)

Loïc Cellier, Jésua Chavez, Guillaume Garrigos and Souhil Tairi, Detection of time-frequency templates (French title: Détection de motifs dans le plan temps-fréquence), rapport de Semaine d'Études Maths Entreprise (SEME), AMIES, Marseille, France, 2016. (19 pages, in French)

Loïc Cellier, Collection of informations and web links for popularization of mathematics (in French title: Pour la diffusion des mathématiques), volunteer CIJM report (rapport bénévole CIJM), Paris, France, 2015 (15 pages, in French)

Sébastien Barjou, Stéphane Catteau, Loïc Cellier and Yann Leroy, Aspects opérationnels du contrôle aérien : enseignement et réelle pratique, questions concernant la régulation en vitesse. Toulouse, 2014. (6 pages, in French)

Loïc Cellier, Invitation to the game of Chomp with Directed Acyclic Graphs, Master research degree report (rapport de Master Recherche), Paris, France, 2010. (21 pages, in English)

Benjamin Blum and Loïc Cellier, Business strategy: Horizontal Mergers (French title: Les fusions horizontales), Master research degree report (rapport de Master Recherche), Paris, France, 2010. (25 pages, in French)

Currently, some of my pedagogical supports (in Mathematics and/or Computer Science) will be published, as teaching books.

Loïc Cellier, Basic Mathematics 2: Algebra, UNISTRA-UFAZ, UE201a L0 S02 (in English, 369 pages, 2018/2019)

Loïc Cellier, Basic Mathematics 2: Analysis, UNISTRA-UFAZ, UE201b L0 S02 (in English, 255 pages, 2018/2019, with Dr. Javanshir Azizov)

Loïc Cellier, Introduction to Computer Science 2: Algorithms and Programming 2 (language C), UNISTRA-UFAZ, UE204 L0 S02 (in English, 360 pages, 2018/2019, with Dr. Rabih Amhaz)

Loïc Cellier, Introduction to Computer Science 1: Algorithms and Programming 1 (language Python), UNISTRA-UFAZ, UE104 L0 S02 (in English, 320 pages, 2018/2019)

Loïc Cellier, Basic Mathematics 1: Mathematical Background in English, UNISTRA-UFAZ, UE101 L0 S02 (in English, 236 pages, 2018/2019)

Loïc Cellier, Techniques d'optimisation logistique, code S5 math, IUT GLT, licence professionnelle MAGALI, LP (in French, 78 pages, 2015/2016)

Loïc Cellier, Techniques quantitatives et recherche opérationnelle, code M3207, PPN2013, IUT GLT, DUT-2 and APPC (in French, 236 pages, 2015/2016)

Loïc Cellier, Mathématiques appliquées, code M2203, PPN2013, IUT GLT, DUT-1 (in French, 122 pages, 2015/2016)

Loïc Cellier, Théorie des graphes et arithmétique modulaire, code S3 math, PPN avant 2013, IUT Informatique, DUT-2 (in French, 35 pages, 2013/2014)

Loïc Cellier (EN → FR) Book about Knots Theory (128 pages). 'Nœuds démêlés : de la ficelle aux mathématiques' ('Knots unravelled: from string to mathematics', of Prof. Dr. Meike Akveld and Prof. Dr. Andrew Jobbings) (ongoing project)

Loïc Cellier (EN → FR) Numerical Application, about Algorithms. 'Algorithmes : expliqués et animés' (Algorithms: Explained and Animated', of Dr. Moriteru Ishida). Enjoy watching, trying, and learning with this guide to algorithms. ⟨google play - algorithms⟩ (main mentioned subjects: Sorting Algorithms, Clustering Algorithms, Graph Search Algorithms, Data Compression Algorithms, PageRank Algorithms, Security Algorithms) (ongoing project; 78 pages, more than 1800 pedagogical thumbnails)

Loïc Cellier (FR → EN) International Mathematics Competition 'Kangourou Sans Frontières' (26 questions, 4 pages), France 2020 contest statement (highest category: 'catégorie Scientifique Bac+ ') (ongoing project, with Dr. Jean-Christophe Deledicq)

Loïc Cellier (DE → FR) International Mathematics Competition 'Kangourou Sans Frontières' (150 questions, 20 pages), Switzerland 2019 contest statements (all the five categories) (corrections and reviews, with Prof. Dr. Meike Akveld, Dr. Lukas Fischer and Dr. Simon Knellwolf)

Loïc Cellier (FR → EN) International Mathematics Competition 'Kangourou Sans Frontières' (26 questions, 4 pages), France/Azerbaijan 2019 contest statement (highest category: 'catégorie Scientifique Bac+ ') for the UNISTRA-UFAZ students (web link) 2019.

Loïc Cellier for (APJOR) Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research. The Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research is an international journal published by the Operational Research Society of Singapore and is the official journal of the Association of Asian-Pacific Operational Research Societies within IFORS (APORS).

Acknowledgments to Prof. Dr. Jean-Paul Delahaye (web link) for his section "Logique et Calcul", in "New Scientist" ("Pour la Science"), and a vulgarization text about this topic "Measuring researchers" ("Mesurer les chercheurs"), pp. 88-93, Mar 2011 (6 pages, in French) (pdf)

Thanks to Dr. Nathaniel Eldrege (web link), and the truculent remarks from Mathgen (web link); so, a final document, although I am one of the co-authors, I have not contributed to its drafting. (9 pages) (pdf)

Thanks to Prof. Dr. Paul Ginsparg (web link), for arXiv (web link). In the same idea, acknowledgments to the association Center for Direct Scientific Communication (Centre pour la communication scientifique directe CCSD) for HAL (web link)

Acknowledgments to the association Committee for the accessibility of publications in sciences and humanities (Comité pour l'accéssibilité des publications en sciences et humanités CAPSH) (web link). in particular, thanks to Prof. Dr. Marie Farge (web link) for the discussions and its communicative enthusiam about ideas sharing, and means (dissemination) of research; and thanks to Antonin Delpeuch (web link) for the realization of Dissemin (web link)

Acknowledgments to Prof. Dr. John Willinsky (web link) for Open Journal Systems (OJS), with the association Public Knowledge Project (PKP) (web link)

  Questions arising from scientific publishing, presented by premières lignes télévision, in French, Oct 2016 (video)


'Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.'
Citation from Prof. Dr. Marie Curie (1867-1934)

Summary of the Teaching Experiences

Courses given in French and in English

University (and Engineering School) Teaching:

  Teacher-Researcher, Engineering School of Aerospatial Sciences: ELISA Aerospace (ISAE group) (campus Bordeaux), Saint Jean d'Illac, France (Feb 2020 - Present) (courses given in French)

  Lectures, Nesin Mathematics Village, Izmir-Şirince, Turkey (Summer 2020, to be done) (courses given in English)

  Pedagogical Coordinator, Teacher - Researcher. International cooperation: UFAZ project, University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, Alsace, France / French-Azerbaijani University (UFAZ), Baku, Azerbaijan. (1 year, 2018-2019) (courses given in English)

  Teacher - Researcher, CNRS - University of Montpellier (LIRMM) and University of Perpignan (UPVD), IUT Gestion Logistique Transport (Management, Logistics - Supply chain and Transport), Perpignan, Pyrénées Orientales, France. ('ATER' 2 years, 2014-2016) (courses given in French)

  Teacher - PhD student, University of Toulouse, IUT Informatique (Computer Science), Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France. ('monitorat' 2 years, 2012-2014) (courses given in French)

  Lectures and computer labs, Écoles d'ingénieurs (Engineering schools): École nationale de l'aviation civile (ÉNAC. the French University of Civil Aviation) and École nationale supérieure d'électrotechnique, d'électronique, d'informatique et des télécommunications (ÉNSÉÉIHT), Toulouse, Haute-Garonne, France. (1 year, 2011-2012) (courses given in French)

Highschool Teaching:

  Teacher in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Technical Drawing. Cycle d'orientation de la Gruyère, 1630 Bulle, state of Fribourg, Switzerland. (2019-2020) (courses given in French)

  Mathematics Teacher, Rectorate of Versailles, highschool Albert Camus, Bois-Colombes, Hauts-de-Seine, France. (2017-2018) (courses given in French)

  Pedagogical Coordinator, Co-Founder and Responsible of the "H4 Mathematics Club" Animath, Rectorate of Paris, secondary school Henri IV, Paris 5th arrondissement, Paris, France. (1 year, 2016-2017) (courses given in French)

  Assistant (Mathematics) Teacher, Rectorate of Montpellier, collège Jeu de Mail, Montpellier, Hérault, France. (Internship, 2007-2008) (courses given in French)

[EN]   [FR]

Teaching Experiences in Universities (and Engineering Schools)

Academic Year 2019/2020

Responsible teacher of the teaching unit ELISA Aerospace 'SB61a Tools of Analysis for Engineers 5' (34 students) 'SB612 Probabilities and Optimization' (with MATLAB Programming, cf. description below), courses given in French, for the engineers-students of the third year ELISA Aerospace (web link) (campus Bordeaux), ISAE group (web link), Feb 2020 - June 2020.

  • Notes: course material with exercises (ongoing work, --- pages) (pdf),

    • Chapter 1: Markov Chains

    • Chapter 2: Statistical Hypothesis Testing

    • Chapter 3: Optimization

    • Chapter 4: Machine Learning (ML)

  • Training: assignments to do at home (large amount of exercises for each section).

  • Written evaluations: 2 exams,

    • exam 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf).

Responsible teacher of the teaching unit ELISA Aerospace 'SB61b Tools of Analysis for Engineers 6' (34 students) 'SB611 Numerical Analysis' (with MATLAB Programming, cf. description below), courses given in French, for the engineers-students of the third year ELISA Aerospace (web link) (campus Bordeaux), ISAE group (web link), Feb 2020 - June 2020.

  • Notes: course material with exercises (ongoing work, --- pages) (pdf),

    • Chapter 1: Resolution of Linear Systems

    • Chapter 2: Conditionning and Numerical Stability

    • Chapter 3: Polynomial Interpolation

    • Chapter 4: Resolution of Non Linear Systems

    • Chapter 5: Numerical Resolution of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE)

    • Chapter 6: Numerical Resolution of Partial Differential Equations (PDE)

    • Chapter 7: Introduction of Numerical Optimization

  • Training: assignments to do at home (large amount of exercises for each section).

  • Written evaluations: 2 exams,

    • exam 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf).

Responsible teacher of the teaching unit ELISA Aerospace 'SE41a Computer Science Tools for Engineers 2' (40 students) 'SE411 Sequential Programming' (with C++ Programming, cf. description below), courses given in French, for the engineers-students of the second year ELISA Aerospace (web link) (campus Bordeaux), ISAE group (web link), Feb 2020 - June 2020.

  • Projects (with C++ Programming)

    • Presentation of the subjects (projects)

    • Reports, programming codes and oral defenses

  • Evaluations: reports and programming codes of the projetcs, and oral defenses.

Responsible teacher of the teaching unit ELISA Aerospace 'SE21a Computer Science Tools for Engineers 1' (40 students) 'SE211 Algorithmics and Introduction to Programming' (with C++ Programming, cf. description below), courses given in French, for the engineers-students of the first year ELISA Aerospace (web link) (campus Bordeaux), ISAE group (web link), Feb 2020 - June 2020.

  • Notes: course material with exercises (ongoing work, --- pages) (pdf),

    • Chapter 1: Generalities about Algorithmics

    • Chapter 2: Control Instructions

    • Chapter 3: Examples of Basic Algorithms

    • Chapter 4: Introduction to C++ Programming

  • Training: assignments to do at home (large amount of exercises for each section).

  • Written evaluations: 2 exams,

    • exam 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf).

Responsible teacher. Mathematics Lectures, 'Game theory and problem solving', courses given in English. Invited by Prof. Dr. Ali Nesin (Leelavati Prize 2018) (short movie) Nesin Mathematics Village. Izmir-Şirince. Summer 2020 (web link). Short presentation: Krishnaswami Alladi and Gabriela Asli Rino Nesin (June/July 2015) 'The Nesin Mathematics Village in Turkey'. Notices of the AMS. 62–6: 652–658 (pdf)

  About the wonderful Nesin Mathematics Village. A film made by Simons Foundation. Leelavati Prize to Prof. Dr. Ali Nesin. International Congress of Mathematicians ICM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Aug 2018 (video)

Academic Year 2018/2019

Responsible teacher of the teaching unit UFAZ UE201a L0 S02 Common Course (152 students) 'Basic Mathematics 2: Algebra' (cf. description below), courses given in English, for the students of the foundation year L0 UFAZ (web link), University of Strasbourg (UNISTRA) (web link), Jan 2019 - June 2019.

  • Notes: course material with exercises (369 pages) (pdf),

    • Chapter 1: Modular Arithmetics (main discussed subjects: Euclidean division, Extended Euclidean Algorithm, and Greatest Common Divisor - GCD; coprime numbers, Gauss lemma, Bézout's identity, Linear Diophantian Equations, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetics, and Decomposition into Primes; Factorials, Primorials; Congruences' Systems, Chinese remainder theorem - Sunzi; Fast modular Exponentiation; Fermat's Little Theorem; Euler Totient Function; Modulo Inversion; Cryptosystems, and RSA encryption),

    • Chapter 2: Probabilities (main discussed subjects: Combinatorics, Combinations, Arrangements and Permutations; Sets' operations, Partition, De Morgan's Laws; Conditional Probabilities, and Independence; Random Variable, Expected Value, Standard Deviation and Variance, Koenig's formula; Probability Distribution and Kolmogorov's Axiomatic; Probability Density Function, Probability Cumulative Function; Discrete Probability Distributions, Bernoulli distribution, Binomial distribution, Poisson's distribution, Pascal's distribution, hypergeometric distribution; Galton's Board, Introduction to Integration Calculus; Continuous Probability Distributions, Uniform distribution, Exponential distribution, Normal distribution - Gauss, Chi-squared distribution, Student's t-distribution.)

    • Chapter 3: Statistics (main discussed subjects: Descriptive Statistics, with one parameter, with two parameters; Diagrams, Marginal Distributions, Middle Point, Covariance and Pearson Correlation Coefficients, Linear Regression; Inferential Statistics, Sampling theory, Bienaymé-Chebyshev inequality, Law of Large Numbers, Central Limit Theorem, Estimations by Confidence Interval, Principle of Statistical Hypothesis Testing).

  • Training: assignments to do at home (large amount of exercises for each section).

  • Written evaluations: 2 exams,

    • exam 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf).

Responsible teacher of the teaching unit UFAZ UE201b L0 S02 Common Course (152 students) 'Basic Mathematics 2: Analysis' (cf. description below), courses given in English, for the students of the foundation year L0 UFAZ (web link), University of Strasbourg (UNISTRA) (web link), Jan 2019 - June 2019.

  • Notes: courses material with exercises (255 pages) (pdf),

    • Chapter 1: Functions and Continuity (main discussed subjects: Limits, Asymptotes, Continuity and Continuous Functions, Representative Curves, Intermediate Values Theorem),

    • Chapter 2: Functions and Differentiability (main discussed subjects: Generalities and Common Functions Reference, Table of Signs, Table of Variations, Differentiability, and Derivative of a Function, Variations, and Extrema),

    • Chapter 3: Exponential and Logarithm, Inverse functions, Linear Ordinary Differential Equations (main discussed subjects: EULER Method, Exponential, and Applications, Logarithm, and Applications, Inverse Functions, Linear Ordinary Differential Equations, First Order and Second Order).

  • Training: assignments to do at home (large amount of exercises for each section).

  • Written evaluations: 2 exams,

    • exam 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf).

Assistant teacher of the teaching unit UFAZ UE608 L2 S4 Specific Course. Computer Science speciality and Geophysics speciality (78 students) (responsible teacher: Dr. Vincent Vigon) 'Signal Processing' (with programming language: Python) (Periodic Functions, Fourier's Series; Discret Fourier's Transform; Sampling; Convolution 1D and 2D, Sound, Image; Filtration; Compression), courses given in English, for the students of the second year L2 UFAZ (web link), University of Strasbourg (UNISTRA) (web link), Jan 2019 - June 2019.

Assistant teacher of the teaching unit UFAZ UE204 L0 S02 Common Course (152 students) (responsible Dr. Rabih Amhaz) 'Introduction to Computer Science 2: Algorithmics and Programming 2' (with programming language: C) (Variables and Types, Strings; Pointers and Arrays; Dynamic Memory Allocation; Structures; Sequential Access Memory, Random Access Memory; Binary Files, Text Files, CSV Files; Files' Operations), courses given in English, for the students of the foundation year L0 UFAZ (web link), University of Strasbourg (UNISTRA) (web link), Jan 2019 - June 2019.

Co-Responsible teacher of the teaching unit UFAZ UE207 L0 S02 Common Course Humanities 1 (152 students) 'Project in Physics/Mathematics/Chemistry/Computer Science' (group/team working, mathematical formalization/modelization, bibliography and anti-plagiarism, scientific reports' redaction), courses given in English, for the students of the foundation year L0 UFAZ (web link), University of Strasbourg (UNISTRA) (web link), Jan 2019 - June 2019.

Responsible teacher of the teaching unit UFAZ UE104 L0S01 Common Course Introduction to Computer Science 1 (152 students) 'Algorithmics and Programming 1' (Programming language: Python) (cf. description below), courses given in English, for the students of the foundation year L0 UFAZ (web link), University of Strasbourg (UNISTRA) (web link), Sept 2018 - Jan 2019.

  • Notes: courses material with exercises (320 pages) (pdf),

    • Chapter 1: First-Order Logic, and Algorithms (main discussed subjects: Introduction to Logical Thinking, First-Order Logic, Algorithms and Pseudo-Code, Flowcharts and Running Time, Analysis of Algorihms),

    • Chapter 2: Bash Scripting, and Programming in Python (main discussed subjects: Unix Linux and Shell, Bash Scripting, Python Programming, Types, Numbers and Variables, Strings, Concatenation and Methods, Sequence Data Structures, Control and Loops, Functional Decomposition, Recursion and Graphics).

  • sessions of Practical Works: use of the Operating System Linux/Ubuntu, script Bash, programming in Python.

  • Training: assignments of exercises to do at home (large amount for each section).

  • Written evaluations: 1 interrogation and 2 exams,

    • interrogation 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf).

Responsible teacher of the teaching unit UFAZ UE101 L0 S01 Common Course (152 students) 'Basic Mathematics 1: Mathematics Background in English' (cf. description below), courses given in English, for the students of the foundation year L0 UFAZ (web link), University of Strasbourg (UNISTRA) (web link), Sept 2018 - Jan 2019.

  • Notes: courses material with exercises (236 pages) (pdf),

    • Chapter 1: Complex Numbers (main discussed subjects: Introduction: What is a Number?, Italian Renaissance and Introduction of i, Argand's Diagram: a Planar Representation, Constant Number π: Euclid's Approximations, Algebraic Form: Cartesian Coordinates, The Conjugate of a Complex Number, Trigonometry: Polar Coordinates, Complex Exponentials, Transformation of the Complex Plane, Roots of a Complex Equation, Algebraic Equations, Applications),

    • Chapter 2: Sequences, Limits and Recursion (main discussed subjects: Introduction to Sequences of Numbers, Other Famous Examples, Characterization of a Sequence, Sequences as Functions, Arithmetic Progressions, Geometric Progressions, Limit of a Sequence, Theorems about Limits of Sequences, Limits and Comparison: Other Theorems, Principle of Mathematical Induction, Recursion),

    • Chapter 3: Geometry of Euclidean Plane and Euclidean Space (main discussed subjects: Geometry of Plane, Bolyai theorem and Polygons, Geometry of Space, Introduction to Vectors, The Dot (Scalar) Product, The Cross (Vector) Product, Lines and Surfaces in Space, Distances and Projections, Conics, and Intersection of Sets).

  • Training: assignment of exercises to do at home (large amount of exercises for each section).

  • Written evaluations: 1 interrogation and 2 exams,

    • interrogation 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf).

Co-Responsible teacher of the teaching unit UFAZ UE107 L0 S01 Common Course (152 students) 'Working Methodology' (problem solving, logical puzzles, mathematical formalization/modelization, bibliography and anti-plagiarism, scientific reports' redaction, introduction to LaTeX), courses given in English, for the students of the foundation year L0 UFAZ (web link), University of Strasbourg (UNISTRA) (web link), Sept 2018 - Jan 2019.

Assistant teacher of the teaching unit UFAZ UE304 L1 S1 (L2 S3) Common Course (304 students) (responsible teacher: Prof. Dr. Éric Christoffel) 'Computer Science 1: Web Programming 1' (HTML5, CSS, JavaScript), courses given in English, for the students of the first (and second) year L1 (L2) UFAZ (web link), University of Strasbourg (UNISTRA) (web link), Sept 2018 - Jan 2019.

Assistant teacher of the teaching unit UFAZ UE501 L2 S3 Common Course (152 students) (responsible teacher: Dr. Younès Monjid) 'Mathematics for Sciences 2: Mathematical Analysis 2' ('Linear Algebra': Vector Spaces and Subspaces, Vector Spaces and Finite Dimension, Linear Applications and Matrices, Diagonalization), courses given in English, for the students of second year L2 UFAZ (web link), université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA) (web link), Sept 2018 - Jan 2019.

Academic Year 2015/2016

Responsible teacher of the teaching unit M3207 (57 students) 'Quantitative techniques and operations research' (cf. description below), courses given in French, lectures for second-year (DUT-2) students, University of Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD) (web link), Sept 2015 - Jan 2016.

  • Notes: course material with exercises (170 pages) (pdf),

    • Chapter 1: Operations research (main discussed subjects: graph theory and algorithms: spanning trees, shortest paths, maximum flows; linear programming: modelling, geometry, duality, simplex algorithm; sensitive analysis and scheduling),

    • Chapter 2: Probabilities and statistics (main discussed subjects: combinatorics; statistics; probabilities with discrete random variables and usual laws; probabilities with continuous random variables and usual laws; sampling theory and hypothesis tests).

  • Computer labs: practice of linear programming solvers.

  • Training: assignments to do at home (large amount of exercises for each section).

  • Written evaluations: 6 interrogations and 2 exams,

    • interrogation 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • interrogation 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • interrogation 3: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • interrogation 4: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • interrogation 5: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • interrogation 6: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf).

Responsible teacher of the teaching unit mathématique LP MAGALI (31 students) 'Mathematical tools for supply chain optimization' (cf. description below), courses given in French, lectures for third-year (LP) students, University of Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD) (web link), Nov 2015 - Jan 2016.

  • Notes: course material with exercises (60 pages) (pdf), main discussed subjects: linear programming: modelling, geometry, simplex algorithm; optimization solvers; statistics and time series (in particular, exponential smoothing and multiplicative models).

  • Computer labs: practice of linear programming solvers.

  • Training: assignments to do at home (large amount of exercises for each section).

  • Written evaluations: 2 exams,

    • exam 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf).

Responsible teacher of the teaching unit M2203 (59 students) 'Applied mathematics' (cf. description below), courses given in French, lectures for first-year (DUT-1) students, University of Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD) (web link), Jan - May 2016.

  • Notes: course material with exercises (102 pages) (pdf), main discussed subjects: combinatorics and discrete random variables; statistics and distributions with one and two dimensions; introduction to financial calculus.

  • Training: assignments to do at home (large amount of exercises for each section).

  • Written evaluations: 2 interrogations and 1 exam,

    • interrogation 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • interrogation 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf).

Academic Year 2014/2015

Responsible teacher of the teaching unit M3207 (49 students) 'Quantitative techniques and operations research' (cf. description below), courses given in French, lectures for second-year (DUT-2) students, University of Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD) (web link), Oct 2014 - Jan 2015.

  • Notes: course material with exercises (121 pages) (pdf),

    • Chapter 1: operations research (main discussed subjects: graph theory and algorithms: spanning trees, shortest paths, maximum flows; linear programming: modelling, geometry, duality, simplex algorithm; sensitive analysis and scheduling),

    • Chapter 2: Probabilities and statistics (main discussed subjects: combinatorics; statistics; probabilities with discrete random variables and usual laws; probabilities with continuous random variables and usual laws; sampling theory and hypothesis tests).

  • Computer labs: practice of linear programming solvers.

  • Training: assignments to do at home (large amoount of exercises for each section).

  • Written evaluations: 6 interrogations and 2 exams,

    • interrogation 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • interrogation 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • interrogation 3: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • interrogation 4: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • interrogation 5: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • interrogation 6: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf).

Responsible teacher of the teaching unit mathématique LP MAGALI (33 students) 'Mathematical tools for supply chain optimization' (cf. description below), courses given in French, lectures for third-year (LP) students, University of Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD) (web link), Oct 2014 - Jan 2015.

  • Notes: course material with exercises (35 pages) (pdf), main discussed subjects: linear programming: modelling, geometry, simplex algorithm; optimization solvers; statistics and time series (in particular, exponential smoothing and multiplicative models).

  • Computer labs: practice of linear programming solvers.

  • Training: assignments to do at home (large amount of exercises for each section).

  • Written evaluations: 2 exams,

    • exam 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf).

Responsible teacher of the teaching unit M2203 (63 students) 'Applied mathematics' (cf. description below), courses given in French, lectures for first-year (DUT-1) students, University of Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD) (web link), Jan - May 2015.

  • Notes: course material with exercises (56 pages) (pdf), main discussed subjects: combinatorics and discrete random variables; statistics and distributions with one and two dimensions; introduction to financial calculus.

  • Training: assignments to do at home (large amount of exercises for each section).

  • Written evaluations: 3 interrogations and 1 exam,

    • interrogation 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • interrogation 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • interrogation 3: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf).

Academic Year 2013/2014

Responsible teacher of the teaching unit S3 mathématique (108 students) 'Graph theory and modular arithmetics' (cf. description below), courses given in French, lectures for second-year (DUT-2) students, University of Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier (UT3) (web link), Oct - Dec 2013.

  • Notes: course material with exercises (35 pages) (pdf).

  • Chapter 1: Graph theory, by taking into account the interdisciplinary SMILE/EMILE project (web link), some parts are in English, other in French; whether it would be helpful, a mini-lexicon: French→English (2 pages) (pdf) / English→French (2 pages) (pdf); course material with exercises (18 pages) (pdf), main discussed subjects: simple graphs; connexity and planarity; spanning trees; transitive closure algorithms; shortest paths algorithms.

  • Chapter 2: modular arithmetics, course material with exercises (17 pages) (pdf) main discussed subjects: properties of the Euclidean division; extended Euclid's algorithm; Bézout's identity; congruences; Chinese remainder theorem; fast modular exponentiation; public-key cryptosystems.

  • Computer labs: practice of formel programming language (Maple).

  • Training: assignments to do at home (large amount of exercises for each section).

  • Written evaluations: 2 exams,

    • exam 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • exam 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf).

Academic Year 2012/2013

Assistant teacher for the teaching unit 'Probabilities and statistics' (responsible teacher: Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Paul), courses given in French, lectures for first-year (DUT-1) students, University of Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier (UT3) (web link), Jan - Apr 2013.

Assistant teacher for the teaching unit 'Graph theory and modular arithmetics' (responsible teacher: Prof. Dr. Emmanuel Paul), courses given in French, lectures for second-year (DUT-2) students, University of Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier (UT3) (web link), Oct - Dec 2012.

Assistant teacher for the teaching unit 'Linear algebra and geometry' (responsible teacher: HDR Dr. Jérôme Fehrenbach), courses given in French, lectures for second-year (DUT-2) students, University of Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier (UT3) (web link), Oct 2012.

Academic Year 2011/2012

Assistant teacher for the teaching unit 'Operations research' (responsible teacher: Dr. Catherine Mancel), courses given in French, lectures for first-year (ÉNAC) engineers-students, the French University of civil aviation (ÉNAC, école nationale de l'aviation civile) (web link), May - June 2012.

Assistant teacher for the teacher unit 'Algorithmics and programming languages' (responsible teacher: Jean-Marc Vengut), courses given in French, lectures for first-year (ÉNAC) engineers-students, the French University of civil aviation (ÉNAC, école nationale de l'aviation civile) (web link), Mar - Apr 2012.

Assistant teacher for the teacher unit 'Matlab programming' (responsible teacher: Prof. Dr. Frédéric Messine), courses given in French, lectures for first-year (ÉNSÉÉIHT) engineers-students, École nationale supérieure d'électrotechnique, d'électronique, d'informatique et des télécommunications (ÉNSÉÉIHT) (web link), Jan 2012.

  Interlude: Observations of the Möbius strip by Prof. Dr. Tadashi Tokieda (video)

Teaching Experiences in Highschools

Academic Year 2019/2020

Responsible teacher, in mathematics, computer science, and technical drawing. Courses given in French. Cycle d'orientation de la Gruyère (web link) 1630 Bulle, state of Fribourg, Switzerland. (Sept 2019 - Nov 2019)

  • Mathematics.

    • Numbers and Operations (Generalities, Set of integer numbers, Set of decimal numbers, Set of rationnal numbers, Set of real numbers, Powers, Roots, Probabilities)

    • Functions and Algebra (Functions, Proportionality, Diagrams, Literal Calculation, Equations)

    • Space (Planar geometric figures, Geometric transformations, Geometry in three dimensions)

    • Sizes and measures (Measure units, Surface perimeter, Surface area, Solid volume, Theorems)

    • Research and Strategies (Problem solving, Research methodology, Verification, Proofs. Conventions and notations)

  • Computer Science. Following the 'Plan d'Études Romand' (PER), the 'Médias, Images, Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication' (MITIC) provide a structured process with four large axis:

    • Use of a Multimedia Environment

    • Media Education

    • Production of Media Achievements

    • Echanges, Communication and Search on Internet

  • Technical Drawing.

    • Croquis/Sketch, Cotation/Dimension, Straightlines, Plans, Angles, Solids.

    • Bridging perspectives. Isometric perspectives.

    • Orthogonal projections (in elevation, in plan, in profile).

    • Descriptive geometry (Surfaces, Tangent plans, Planar sections, Intersections, Sphere, Plans côtés)

Academic Year 2017/2018

Responsible teacher, teaching unit (98 students) mathematics, program of "lycée", classes of "seconde générale" (cf. description below), courses given in French, lectures for "lycée" students, Rectorate of Versailles, Hauts-de-Seine, lycée Albert Camus, Bois-Colombes, France (web link), Mar - July 2018

  • Notes: course material with exercises based on two lecture notes (Cours de mathématiques, classe de seconde, 2009-2010, 79 pages, from Thomas Rey; and Cours de mathématiques pour la classe de Seconde, 2014-2015, 89 pages, from Vincent Dujardin and Florent Girod) (pdf) (pdf),

  • Manuscript lecture notes (40 pages) (pdf),

  • Program et keys notions:

    • Numerical Functions (main presented themas: Domain; Representative Curve; Image by a Function; Table of Signs; Table of Variations, and Extrema; Linear Functions, Polynomial Functions, Homographic Functions and Piecewise-Defined Functions; Square Function, Square-Root Function, Cubic Function, Reciprocal Function, and Absolute Value Function)

    • Euclidean Geometry (2D and 3D) (main presented themas: distance between two points; middle point of a segment; line equations, slope coefficient and constant; representation of a solid 3D-object; planes of the Euclidean space; formulae, volume of a prism and volume of a ball)

    • Vectors (main presented themas: translation; equality of vectors; vectors et parallelograms; product of vector by a real scalar, and homothety; Chasles' relation; colinearity of vectors; equations of vectors)

    • Probabilities and Statistics (main presented themas: probability distributions; law of large numbers; modelisation of a random experience; complementarity, probability events; unions and intersections of sets; formula of Henri Poincaré; counts and frequencies; graphics; indicators of position; indicators of dispersion; simulation; estimation of a proportion from a sample)

    • Trigonometry (main presented themas: the constant π; trigonometric circle; angles in radians; trigonometric functions, sine, cosine, tangent; rolling of the Real line; computations modulo 2π)

    • Algebra and Algorithms (main presented themas: modelization; formalism; factorization and classical identities; solving an equation of degree two, with one unknown; solving a system of linear equations; geometrical interpretations; introduction to problem solving, and algorithms).

  • Training: assignments to do at home (large amount of exercises for each section).

  • Written evaluations: 1 exam and 4 interrogations,

    • Exam: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • Interrogation 1: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • Interrogation 2: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • Interrogation 3: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf),

    • Interrogation 4: test statement (pdf) / test correction (pdf).

Academic Year 2016/2017

Co-Founder and Responsible of the 'Club of Mathematics', within the collège Henri IV (secondary school), Rectorate of Paris, Paris. Coordinator Animath (web link) (institute Henri Poincaré (IHP) (lien web), CNRS-UPMC, 11 rue Pierre-et-Marie Curie, 5th arrondissement, Paris, France) and Henri IV (web link) (23 rue Clovis, 5th arrondissement, Paris, France), Nov 2016 - May 2017. Management of Human Ressources, administrative and financial responsabilities; Organization and lectures; opening and training thema in mathematics; two hours a week, 20 lectures, courses given in French, academic year 2016/2017.

  • Mathematics and the Game of Hex (Dr. Loïc Cellier and Ugo Drieux);

  • Discrete Mathematics and Eugène Charles Catalan's Numbers (Dr. Loïc Cellier and Dr. Mickaël Launay);

  • Magic, Permutations and Topology (Dr. Loïc Cellier and Antoine Martin);

  • Mathematics and the Game of Chess (Laurence Barbier and Dr. Loïc Cellier);

  • Geometry, Isometries and Graph Theory (Dr. Loïc Cellier and Antoine Martin);

  • Non-Commutativity, and Homotheties (Ugo Drieux and Antoine Martin);

  • Algorithms, Covering Problems and Recursion (Dr. Loïc Cellier and Chloé Milsonneau);

  • Euclidean Geometry and Geometrical Problems (Dr. Loïc Cellier and Ugo Drieux);

  • Mathematics and the Game of Nim (Dr. Loïc Cellier and Ugo Drieux);

  • Continuity and Differentiability (Ugo Drieux and Antoine Martin);

  • Intermediate Value Theorem, Roots of Functions, and Algorithms (Ugo Drieux and Antoine Martin);

  • Mathematics and the Game of Fanorona (Saholi Andriambololo-nivo and Dr. Loïc Cellier);

  • Distances, Unit Balls and Convergence (Ugo Drieux and Basile Morando);

  • Number Theory and History of Srinirava Ramanujan (Dr. Loïc Cellier and Dr. Édouard Thomas);

  • Operations Research (Dr. Loïc Cellier and Dr. Nicolas Dupin);

  • Geometry, Polyhedra and Regularity (Dr. Loïc Cellier and François Perrin);

  • Mathematics and the Game of Chomp (Dr. Loïc Cellier and Antoine Martin);

  • Complex Numbers (Dr. Loïc Cellier and CR. ÉNPC Dr. Vincent Leclère);

  • Artificial Intelligence and the Game of Go (Clément Béni and Dr. Loïc Cellier);

  • Geometry, Spheres and Descartes-Euler's formula (Dr. Loïc Cellier and Dr. Mateusz Skomra).

Academic Year 2007/2008

Assistant teacher, teaching units (76 students), mathematics, program of "collège", classes of "sixième, cinquième and troisième"; (responsible: Dr. Lwafi), three lectures have been done, within the framework of internship-project Initiation of Teaching Career, supervised by Dr. Caroline Bardini, University of Montpellier, Mar-Apr 2008. Lectures for secondary school ("collège" students, classes of "sixième, cinquième and troisième"), courses given in French, Rectorate of Montpellier, Hérault, collège Jeu de Mail, Montpellier, France (web link)

Students' Supervision,
and Pedagogical Coordination

Understand the problem. Devise a plan. Carry out the plan. Look back.
Citation from Prof. Dr. Georg Pólya (1887-1985)

International Cooperation. Pedagogical Coordinator (UNISTRA-UFAZ 2018/2019)

  • To implement a French university methodology (international cooperation FR-AZ);

  • Missions of global pedagogical coordination with the scientific experts committee;

  • Missions of pedagogical coordination with the university branches' responsables;

  • Missions of pedagogical coordination with the invited professors;

  • Missions of pedagogical coordination with the administrative staff (the direction of university studies);

  • Pedagogical coordination with the local staff; selection of the teachers and of the technicians;

  • Conception of the program, contents and implementation of the university teaching units (mathematics and computer science);

  • Follow-up and supervision of teaching sessions;

  • Pedagogical responsibility for student follow-up;

  • Responsibility for experimental activities.

  • Responsibility for mathematics entrance exam.

Responsabilities of Mentoring the Laureates of the mathematics international competition Kangourou Sans Frontières (KSF)
during the international mathematical summer camps Supervision of delegations of young mathematicians.

    Zakopane, Poland, Aug 2019. (duration: ten days)
    Responsible/Leader of the French delegation: Marwann Picaud-Chemrakhi, Timothé Servolle, Nicolas de Tarlé and Élie Verhille.

    Blois, France, July 2019. (duration: eight days)
    Responsible/Leader of the French delegation: Arthaud Bracq, Florian Dubois, Valério Duprès, Arsène Escarmant, Oscar Escarmant, Quentin Girard, Anya Greene, Yash Greene, Stanislas Grégoire, Théophile Grégoire, Roxane Manach, Alexandre Tardieu and Foucault Wattine.

    Avoine, France, July 2019. (duration: eight days)
    Responsible/Leader of the Azerbaijani delegation: Rovshan Alesgerov and Laman Jalilova.
    Responsible/Leader of the French delegation: Fleur Berthod, Gabrielle Buttafuoco, Victor Cabal, Romain Fontaine, Marielou Georgeon, Fleur Staub, Célestin Zhang and Solène Zhang.

    Zakopane, Poland, Aug 2018. (duration: ten days)
    Responsible/Leader of the French delegation: Loïc Bettali, Étienne Conchon-Kerjan, Alec Le Helloco, Charles Liu, Roméo Nazaret and Ulysse Pierrot.

    Avoine, France, July 2017. (duration: eight days)
    Responsible/Leader of the French delegation: Ana Bakic, Dominique Bazin, Pierre-Alexandre Bazin, Nicolas Benoaga, Matthieu Bouyer, Jean-Marin Chaintron, Loïc Déan, Louis Frechette, Ayoub Meliti, Emir Meliti, Antoine Roux de Luze, Santorin Yu, Alexis Zaimi and Ilan Zysman.

  Interview of Prof. Dr. Alessio Figalli (Winner 2018 Fields Medal) by Prof. Dr. Meike Akveld (President of Association Kangourou sans Frontières) (video) (Jan 2020)

  Souvenir of the Avoine France 2019 KSF international summer camp by KSF laureate Laman Jalilova (video) (July 2019)

Responsability of Mentoring the foundation year students UNISTRA-UFAZ L0.
Supervision of nine students for two projects (duration: ten weeks, 2018/2019)

    Sarkhan Jafarli, Leyla Qasimova, Vagif Taghiyev, Aylin Alakbarli and Toghrul Babayev.
    The Impact of Quantum Computing on Cryptography. This subject is rich/multidisciplinary (computer science - physics - mathematics), new/hot topic and challenging, they describe the main key concepts.

    Vagif Gambarov, Sabir Khanlarov, Said Isgandarov and Fariz Ibadov.
    God's Algorithm for Solving Puzzles. This subject is related to combinatorics (discrete mathematics, graph theory, algorithmics, and computational complexity), funny and surprisingly challenging (with techniques and tricks), they describe the main concepts, by focusing on two different puzzles, namelly: Tower of Hanoi (3 columns and n disks, proof by recursion, programming) and Rubik's Cube (3×3×3 cube, context and lower/upper bounds).

Responsability of Advising the First and Second years' students of IUT GLT (2014/2015, 2015/2016).
Supervision of twenty internships within companies/industries, and co-supervision of two projects

    Supervision of nine internships within industry, duration of internship: eight weeks, second-year students (DUT-2 et APPC), specialization in management, logistics and transport. (by reverse chronological order, and by alphabetical order)

      Anne-Marie David Auxach (SAS Transports Pagès, 2016),

      Cyrille Delaforce (Schenker France SAS, 2016),

      Manon Leleu (Advini Jeanjean, 2016),

      Sémih Mahjoub (GT Logistics, 2016),

      Bastien Vaz Branco (SHCB Sauvian, 2016),

      Romain Carrié (Sieur d'Arques, 2015),

      Manon Estripeau (RÉEL Agence Sud-Ouest aérogare Airbus, 2015),

      Thierry Gasch (Corporation Française de Transports, 2015),

      Fanny Imbert (RTE réseau de transport d'électricité, 2015).

    Supervision of eleven internships within industry, duration of internship: four weeks, first-year students (DUT-1), specialization in management, logistics and transport. (by reverse chronological order, and by alphabetical order)

      Sitty Abdallah (OCP Répartition, 2016),

      Pauline Brollet (Airdeco Finances, 2016),

      Achille Chambon (Top Office, 2016),

      Jovana Diniz de Oliveira (Kuehne - Nagel Road, 2016),

      Jibril Mhamdi (Geodis Euromatic, 2016),

      Lola Bruneau (SDIS 09, 2015),

      Laura Calmel (SDIS 31, 2015),

      Stanislas Dias (TSB, 2015),

      Mohamed Jad Naji (Secours Populaire français, 2015),

      Alexandre Ravelonjato (GT Logistics, 2015),

      Simon Sastre-Salvadori (Vu d'en Face Production, 2015).

    Co-supervision of two groups of students for projects IUT GLT (duration: one academic year).

    In 2015/2016, co-supervision with Prof. Dr. Sophie Masson of the project "Communication" for which the aim is to organize and to participate to regional or national events, related to the orientation and career decision, by explaining, in particular to the young generations, the formation from IUT Gestion Logistique Transport and the corresponding jobs opportunities.

    In 2014/2015, co-supervision with Dr. Nicolas Pech-Gourg of the project "Bubble maker", for which the aim is to provide a board game, from an online simulation game: "Beer Game", composed by four players (responsible to different missions), where the importance of stock management and logistics is critical, from problems arising from commercial and transportation context. (The "Beer Game" was developed at MIT in the 1960s by Prof. Dr. Jay Forrester in Sloan System Dynamics Group.) (web link)


'An elegant proof is a proof which would not normally come to mind, like an elegant chess problem: the first move should be paradoxical.'
Citation from Prof. Dr. Claude Berge (1926-2002)

Team Management and Animation. Organization of Scientific Events.

  Founder and Coordinator of the Tea & Math Break at University (video)

Students, administrative and academic staff, everyone is welcome, to share tea and ideas, to discover and/or practice some games! (If you want, you can also bring and present your favorite games at this time.)

Selection of events in Popularization,
Scientific Mediation and Exacting Vulgarization

Workshops Formations Conferences Competitions Jurys Scientific International Summer Camps ...
100+ Participations by Invitation (in reverse chronological order) -click on the year, below-

  International Scientific Summer Camp, Kangourou sans frontières (web link), Organizer in mathematics, responsible of the French delegation, Zakopane, Poland, Aug 2020 (invitation, ten days, to be done)

  Mathematics Lectures 'Game Theory and Problem Solving', invitation from Ali Nesin. Nesin Mathematics Village (web link), founded by Prof. Dr. Ali Nesin (Leelavati 2018 Prize), Izmir-Şirince, Turkey, July 2020. (invitation, one week, to be done)

  International Scientific Summer Camp, Kangourou sans frontières (web link), Organizer in mathematics, responsible of the French delegation, Avoine, France, July/Aug 2020 (invitation, eight days, to be done)

  International Scientific Summer Camp, Kangourou sans frontières (web link), Organizer in mathematics, responsible of the French delegation, Blois, France, July 2020 (invitation, eight days, to be done)

  Scientific Camp, x-science camp for women (web link), math workshops about problem, program 'diversité ambition lycée', pôle diversité réussite PDR, école polytechnique (web link), Centre international de rencontres mathématiques CIRM - Luminy (web link), National Park of the Calanques, Marseille, France, Apr 2020. (invitation, one week, to be done)

  Symposium (web link), talk given for mathematics teachers of Turkey, invitation from Özgür Özdemir, Chief coordinator of 'Kangaroo of Mathematics - Turquie' (web link), Nesin Mathematics Village (web link), fondé par Prof. Dr. Ali Nesin (Leelavati 2018 Prize), Izmir-Şirince, Turkey, Apr 2020. (invitation, two days, to be done)

  Tangente Awards Celebration (remise des trophées Tangente) (web link), palais du Luxembourg (web link), 6th arrondissement, Paris, France, Dec 2019 (invitation, one day -absent)

  Workshops, carrefour des ateliers FLE-DNL, second edition (web link), highschool SAJEV Küçük Prens (web link), French pedagogy trainer, « Games and problem solving: a methodology for teaching » (conference in French, « Jeux et résolution de problèmes : une méthodologie pour l'enseignement »), Istanbul, Turkey, Nov 2019 (invitation, one day)

  Invited stay by Prof. Dr. Ali Nesin (Leelavati Prize 2018), Nesin Mathematics Village (web link), Izmir-Şirince, Turkey, Oct 2019 (invitation, one week)

  Scientific international summer camp, kangourou sans frontières (web link), organizer in mathematics, responsible of the French delegation, Zakopane, Poland, Aug 2019 (invitation, ten days)

  Scientific international summer camp, kangourou sans frontières (web link), organizer in mathematics, responsible of the French delegation, Blois, France, July 2019 (invitation, one week)

  Scientific international summer camp, kangourou sans frontières (web link), organizer in mathematics, responsible of the French delegation, and responsible of the Azerbaijani delegation (UFAZ). Statements of the written competition at UFAZ (web link), final results (web link) informations from the Azerbaijani Ministry of Education (web link), informations from the French-Azerbaijani university (web link), informations from the French Embassy in Azerbaijan (web link). Video-souvenir, realized by Laman Jalilova (KSF laureate 2019) (web link), feedbacks of the scientific international summer camp (web link). Avoine, France, July 2019 (invitation, one week).

  Competition, team leader for the Final, of the Spring Programming Olympiad 2019 (web link). The Olympiad is jointly organized by the Azerbaijani Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies (web link), the Heydar Aliyev Foundation (web link), the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan (web link), and the Institute of Information Technologies of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (ANAS) (web link). Baku Engineering University (BEU) (web link), Khirdalan city, Azerbaijan, May 2019.

  Symposium (web link), invitation from Doç. Dr. Cemal Çiçek, « Kanguroo Mathematics Turkey » (web link), Nesin Mathematics Village (web link), founded by Prof. Dr. Ali Nesin (Leelavati Prize 2018), Izmir-Şirince, Turkey, Apr 2019.

  Competition, contest Kangourou des mathématiques 2019 (web link), association Kangourou sans frontières (web link), translation -from French to English- of the Kangourou written test (highest level: "sujet S, étudiants scientifiques"), French-Azerbaijani University UFAZ (web link), Baku, Azerbaijan, Mar 2019.

  Workshops, « Tea and Math Break » (web link), French-Azerbaijan University UFAZ (web link), Baku, Azerbaijan, Feb and Mar 2019. (organizer)

  International Pi Day (3.14) (web link), French-Azerbaijani University UFAZ (web link), Baku, Azerbaijan, on the 14 of March 2019. (organizer)

  Conference (The game of Hex - historical aspects, variants of the rules, and first properties), Math Week (semaine des mathématiques) (web link), French-Azerbaijani University UFAZ (web link), Baku, Azerbaijan, Mar 2019.

  Math Week (semaine des mathématiques) (web link), mathematical conferences, workshops, and problem solving activities, French Ministry of Education (France), French-Azerbaijani University UFAZ (web link), Baku, Azerbaijan, Mar 2019. (organizer)

  Competitions, participation to the quartfinals, and participation semi-finals, of the Spring Programming Olympiad 2019 (web link). The Olympiad is jointly organized by the Azerbaijani Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies (web link), the Heydar Aliyev Foundation (web link), the Ministry of Education of Azerbaijan (web link), and the Institute of Information Technologies of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan (ANAS) (web link). French-Azerbaijani University UFAZ (web link), Baku, Azerbaijan, Feb 2019.

  Competition, Google Hash Code 2019 (web link), third-year students' performance (web link), French-Azerbaijani University UFAZ (web link), Baku, Azerbaijan, Feb 2019.

  Workshops, « Tea and Math Break » (web link), French-Azerbaijani Univeristy UFAZ, Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov and Dec 2018. (organizer)

  Tangente Awards Celebration (remise des trophées Tangente) (web link), musée des arts et métiers (web link), 3rd arrondissement, Paris, France, Dec 2018 (invitation, one day -absent)

  Exposure of strategical games - problem solving puzzles (web link), French-Azerbaijani Univeristy UFAZ, Baku, Azerbaijan, Oct 2018. (organizer)

  Presentation, Interview « Our students are the best ambassadors of our university. » (web link), French-Azerbaijani University UFAZ (web link), Baku, Azerbaijan, Sept 2018.

  Scientific international summer camp, kangourou sans frontières (web link), organizer in mathematics, responsible of the French delegation, Zakopane, Poland, Aug 2018. (invitation, ten days)

  Scientific summer camp, X-Science camp, Pôle Diversité Réussite - PDR, campagne X-Talents, École polytechnique - University Paris-Saclay (web link), pedagogical coordinator in mathematics, Palaiseau, France, July 2018. (invitation, one week)

  Workshop, Math Night (nuit des maths) (web link), organizer in mathematics and hex game activities, Tours, France, June 2018. (invitation, one day)

  Festival, Mathemtics in all their states (les maths dans tous leurs états) (web link), organizer in mathematics and hex game activities, Castanet-Tolosan, France, Mar 2018. (invitation, three days)

  General Assembly and Administration Council, for International Committee of Mathematical Games (comité international des jeux mathématiques - CIJM) (web link), 5th arrondissement, Paris, France, Jan 2018. (invitation, one day)

  Co-founder and responsible of the Club of Mathematics within the highschool (collège) Henri IV, rectorate of Paris. Coordinator Animath (web link) (institute Henri Poincaré (IHP) (web link), CNRS - UPMC, 11 rue Pierre-et-Marie Curie, 5th arrondissement, Paris, France) and Henri IV (web link) (23 rue Clovis, 5th arrondissement, Paris, France), Nov 2016 - May 2017.

  Tangente Awards Celebration (remise des trophées Tangente) (web link), palais du Luxembourg (web link), 6th arrondissement, Paris, France, Dec 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Workshop, « le jeu de hex », comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) and HEX&CO (web link), les 30 ans de Tangente, éditions Pôle, musée des arts et métiers (web link) Paris 3rd arrondissement, France, Dec 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Conference, "a mathematical point of view on games and society", ("un point de vue mathématique sur les jeux et la société") Intergenerational cities (IGC 2017) (web link), dans le cadre d'AlternaPolis, Human Mount institute, in collaboration with the laboratoire d'excellence Industries Culturelles Création Artistique (LabEx ICCA), maison des sciences de l'Homme MSH - Paris Nord, Saint-Denis, France, Nov 2017 (invitation, two days)

  Workshop, « café jeux mathématiques », comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) and HEX&CO (web link), festival maths en ville, organized by la compagnie Terraquée, (web link) Saint-Denis, France, Oct 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Conferences - Workshops (170 élèves), comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) and HEX&CO (web link), collège Jacques Prévert, (web link) Saint-Orens, France, Oct 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Conferences - Workshops (120 élèves), comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) and HEX&CO (web link), lycée Pierre d'Aragon (web link) Muret, France, Oct 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Workshop, comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) and HEX&CO (web link), la fête des maths « la géométrie des jeux », organized by Fermat Science (web link) Beaumont de Lomagne, France, Oct 2017 (invitation, two days)

  Workshops (classes of primary schools), comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) and HEX&CO (web link), in the context of the Science Festival (la fête de la science), à MJC Castanet-Tolosan (web link) Castanet-Tolosan, France, Oct 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Seminar, Research Institute of Mathematics Teaching (institut de recherche sur l'enseignement des mathématiques - IREM) de Franche-Comté (web link) Besançon, France, Sept 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Workshop - stand, Math games (« jeux mathématiques »), with Joëlle Lamon (web link), haute école Francisco Ferrer (web link), comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) et HEX&CO (web link), Brussels Games Festival (BGF) (web link), parc du cinquantenaire, Bruxelles, Belgique, Aug 2017 (invitation, two days)

  Presentation - interview, hex game, for Numerama (Web site about numerical skills and computer science informations). Written notes (of the discussion) by Antoine Boudet : « Vous avez fait le tour du jeu de go ? On vous explique comment jouer au jeu de hex ». (web link), Paris, France, Aug 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Scientific international summer camp, kangourou sans frontières (web link), organizer in mathematics, responsible of the French delegation, Avoine, France, July 2017 (invitation, one week)

  Workshop, Festival Math Night (nuit des maths) (web link), ateliers comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) and HEX&CO : jeux mathématiques (web link), organisée par l'association la nuit des maths (web link), halle aux grains, Blois, France, June 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Workshop, Japan expo Paris 2017 (web link), stand about the game go, French federation of Go (fédération française de go - FFG) (web link), parc des expositions Paris-Nord, Villepinte, France, June 2017 (invitation, four days)

  Workshop, Math Club (club de mathématique, association science ouverte) (web link), mathematical and playful workshop, espace avenir, Drancy, France, June 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Conferences - Workshops, Math Rallye Final (finale du rallye mathématique des collèges de l'académie de Lille) (web link), agrée par l'inspection pédagogique régionale de mathématiques, ateliers comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) and HEX&CO : jeux mathématiques (web link), institut de recherche sur l'enseignement des mathématiques (IREM) de Lille (web link), Lille - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, June 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Open of Hex, sixième open de hex, with the wonderful support and presence of Anni and Hugo Hein (son of Piet Hein) (web link), competition of the hex game (web link), place Saint-Sulpice, 6th arrondissement, Paris, France, May 2017 (main organizer and referee, one day)

  Workshop, Math Festival (salon culture et jeux mathématiques), stand comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) and HEX&CO : jeux mathématiques (web link), place Saint-Sulpice, 6th arrondissement, Paris, France, May 2017 (invitation, four days)

  Workshop, International Festival, fête de la cité internationale universitaire de Paris (CiuP) (web link), with program (web link), workshops comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) et HEX&CO : jeux mathématiques (web link), jardin de la fondation, fondation des États-Unis (web link), 14th arrondissement, Paris, France, May 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Conference, commission inter-IREM, scientific dissemination, 'popularization' of mathematics, institut de recherche sur l'enseignement des mathématiques (IREM) (web link), halle aux farines, université Paris 7 - Paris Diderot (UP7) (web link), 13th arrondissement, Paris, France, May 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Workshop, comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) and HEX&CO (web link), médiathèque de la canopée la fontaine (web link), 1st arrondissement, Paris, France, May 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Festival, festival « les maths dans tous leurs états » (web link), association les maths en scène, « forum national des mathématiques vivantes, de l'école au monde » et « semaine des mathématiques » instaurée par le ministère de l'éducation nationale, stand comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) et HEX&CO : jeux mathématiques (web link), salle du lac, Castanet-Tolosan, France, Mar 2017 (invitation, two days)

  Workshop, « Pi Day 2017 », association Pi Day (web link), la tournée de pi, comédie musicale mathématique, stand comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) et HEX&CO : jeux mathématiques (web link), théâtre des variétés (web link), 2nd arrondissement, Paris, France, Mar 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Festival, festival des jeux de l'esprit (web link), stand comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) et HEX&CO : jeux mathématiques (web link), le Mans, France, Feb 2017 (invitation, two days)

  Festival, festival international des jeux (web link), stand comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) et HEX&CO : jeux mathématiques (web link), Cannes, France, Feb 2017 (invitation, four days)

  Math Games Week - Internship, stage jeux & maths, association science ouverte (web link), atelier comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) and HEX&CO : jeux mathématiques (web link), institut Henri Poincaré  IHP) (web link), 5th arrondissement, Paris, France, Feb 2017 (invitation, one week)

  Academic Days, journées académiques, « algorithmique et numérique au collège », soutien du rectorat et dans le cadre du plan académique de formation 2016/2017, public enseignant certifié ou agrégé, académie de Lille et inspection pédagogique régionale de mathématiques, institut de recherche sur l'enseignement des mathématiques de Lille (IREM) (web link) Lille - Villeneuve d'Ascq, France, Feb 2017 (invitation, two days)

  Workshop, comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) et HEX&CO, (web link), bibliothèque Valeyre (web link), 9th arrondissement, Paris, France, Jan 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Workshop, comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) et HEX&CO (web link), fondation des États-Unis (web link), cité internationale universitaire de Paris (CiuP) (web link), 14th arrondissement, Paris, France, Jan 2017 (invitation, one day)

  General Assembly and Administration Council, comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) (web link), 12th arrondissement, Paris, France, Jan 2017 (invitation, one day)

  Theatre and Math Internship (stage mathéâtre), « la légende de Sessa », compagnie Terraquée (web link) Sarcelles, France, Dec 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Conferences (exposés de médiation scientifique), comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) et HEX&CO (web link), en salle Pi, unité mathématique, palais de la découverte, grand palais (web link), 8th arrondissement, Paris, France, Dec 2016 (invitation, deux conférences, « découvrez le jeu de hex ! », one hour each session)

  Workshop, forum emploi maths (web link), stand partagé fondation mathématique Jacques Hadamard (FMJH) (web link) et comité International des Jeux Mathématiques (CIJM) (web link), cité des sciences et de l'industrie (web link), la Villette, 19th arrondissement, Paris, Dec 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Meeting for Math Diffusion (réunion de groupe popularisation des mathématiques), commission inter-IREM (web link), halle aux farines, université Paris 7 - Paris Diderot (UP7) (web link), 13th arrondissement, Paris, France, Nov 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Festival, fête des lumières, stand comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) et HEX&CO : jeux mathématiques (web link), rue Visconti (web link), 6th arrondissement, Paris, France Nov 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Tangente Awards Celebration (remise des trophées Tangente) (web link), palais du Luxembourg (web link), 6th arrondissement, Paris, France, Nov 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Constitutive General Assembly, association HEX&CO, salle CIJM (web link), 12th arrondissement, Paris, France Nov 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Workshop, le samedi des curieux, association science ouverte (web link), atelier comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) : jeux mathématiques (web link), espace avenir, Drancy, France, Oct 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Problem solving Week Internship, stage olympic' maths, science ouverte (web link), institut Henri Poincaré (IHP) (web link), 5th arrondissement, Paris, France, Oct 2016 (invitation, one week)

  Festival, village des sciences et de l'innovation (VSI 2016), palais des congrès d'Antibes Juan-les-Pins (web link), Juan-les-Pins, France, Oct 2016 (invitation, two days)

  Seminar, raconte-moi ta thèse, fondation des sciences mathématiques de Paris (FSMP) (web link), and stand CIJM (web link), fête de la science, institut Henri Poincaré (IHP) (web link), 5th arrondissement, Paris, France, Oct 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Conferences and Workshops, Festival of Science (la fête de la science), associations comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) (web link), et Perpignan pour la culture mathématique (PPCM) (web link), « propriétés mathématiques du jeu de hex », lycée François Arago (web link), Perpignan, France, Oct 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Conferences and Workshops, Festival of Science (fête de la science), conférence et ateliers comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) (web link), médiathèque de Biot, communauté d'agglomération de Sophia Antipolis (CASA) (web link), Biot, France, Oct 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Conference in the room Pi, mathematics department, palais de la découverte, grand palais (web link), 8th arrondissement, Paris, France, Sept 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Workshop, Mathematics Club, association science ouverte (web link), atelier ludique et mathématique, espace avenir, Drancy, France, 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Workshop, mathematical games, ludothèque à ciel ouvert, R' de jeux (web link), atelier comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) (web link), place de la République, 3rd arrondissement, Paris, France, Sept 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Mathematics Festival (salón culture et jeux mathématiques) (web link), stand comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) (web link), place Saint-Sulpice, 6th arrondissement, Paris, France, May 2016 (invitation, four days)

  Conferences and Workshops, Culture Week (semaine culturelle), associations comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) (web link), et Perpignan pour la culture mathématique (PPCM) (web link), lycée Jean Lurçat (web link), Perpignan, France, Apr 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Jury of competition, two contests « C' génial » (web link), et « faites de la science » (web link), Institut universitaire de technologie de Nîmes (IUT) (web link), région Occitanie, Nîmes, France, Apr 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Conferences and Workshops, Culture Week, associations comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) (web link), and Perpignan pour la culture mathématique (PPCM) (web link), lycée François Arago (web link), Perpignan, France, Apr 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Workshop, Day of Arts and Culture (journées des arts et de la culture) (web link), association Perpignan pour la culture mathématique (PPCM) (web link), université de Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD) (web link), Perpignan, France, Apr 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Math Week (web link), founded by the French Ministry of Education, stand Perpignan pour la culture mathématique (PPCM) jeux mathématiques (web link), place de Verdun, Perpignan, France, Mar 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Competition, Math Rallye (rallye mathématique), Perpignan pour la culture mathématique (PPCM) (web link), palais des rois de Majorque (web link), Perpignan, France, Mar 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Competitions and Workshops, Festival (festival des jeux de l'esprit) (web link), stand comité international des jeux mathématiques CIJM : jeux mathématiques (web link), le Mans, France, Feb 2016 (invitation, two days)

  International Games Festival (festival international des jeux) (web link), stand comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM), jeux mathématiques (web link), Cannes, France, Feb 2016 (invitation, four days)

  General Assembly and Administration Council, comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) (web link), 12th arrondissement, Paris, France, Jan 2016 (invitation, one day)

  Weekly Math Workshops and Exposures of Math Games, with the association Perpignan pour la culture mathématique (PPCM) (web link), jeux, énigmes et activités de diffusion mathématique, bibliothèques universitaires et maison de l'étudiant, université de Perpignan UPVD) (web link), Perpignan, France, Jan -Mar 2016 (invitation, three months)

  General Assembly and Administration Council, Perpignan pour la culture mathématique (PPCM) (web link), Perpignan, France, 2015 (invitation, one day)

  International Games Festival (festival international des jeux) (web link), stand CIJM : jeux mathématiques (web link), Cannes, France, Feb 2015 (invitation, four days)

  Conferences and Workshops, Math Young Talents' Week (jeunes talents mathématiques - JTM 2014) (web link), institut de mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT) (web link), université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier (UT3) (web link), Toulouse, France, June 2014 (invitation, one week)

  Workshop, Math Festival (salon culture et jeux mathématiques) (web link), place Saint-Sulpice, 6th arrondissement, Paris, France, May 2014 (invitation, four days)

  Weekly Math Workshops, math games, within the French University of Civil Aviation (école nationale de l'aviation civile - ÉNAC) (web link), Toulouse, France, 2012 - 2013 - 2014 (three years)

  Workshop, INFOSUP le salon de l'enseignement supérieur (web link), stand Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier (UT3) : mathématiques (web link), parc des expositions (web link), Toulouse, France, Nov 2013 (invitation, one day)

  Workshop, congrès math.en.jeans (web link), université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier (UT3) (web link), Toulouse, France, May 2013 (invitation, three days)

  Weekly Math Workshops, math games, within the French University of Civil Aviation (école nationale de l'aviation civile - ÉNAC) (web link), Toulouse, France, 2012 - 2013 - 2014 (three years)

  Day of Henri Poincaré (journée Henri Poincaré), institute Henri Poincaré (IHP) (web link), comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) (web link), Sorbonne University campus Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (UP1) (web link), 5th arrondissement, Paris, France, Nov 2012 (invitation, one day)

  Festival of Science (fête de la science) (web link), comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) (web link), place du Panthéon et mairie du 5th arrondissement (web link), 5th arrondissement, Paris, France, Oct 2012 (invitation, one day)

  Math Festival (salon culture et jeux mathématiques) (web link), stand comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM), Sorbonne université, campus Pierre et Marie Curie (UPMC, Paris 6) (web link), 5th arrondissement, Paris, France, May 2012 (invitation, four days)

  Workshop Math Internship (stage hippocampe - maths) (web link), study of combinatorial games (in French, étude de jeux combinatoires), institut de mathématiques de Toulouse (IMT) (web link), University of Toulouse (campus Paul Sabatier - UT3) (web link), Toulouse, France, Apr 2012 (invitation, three days)

  Weekly Math Workshops, math games, within the French University of Civil Aviation (école nationale de l'aviation civile - ÉNAC) (web link), Toulouse, France, 2012 - 2013 - 2014 (three years)

Associative affiliations, past and current collaborations

In brief, the French Research Intitutes of Mathematics Teaching (in French, "IREM: instituts de recherche sur l'enseignement des mathématiques"), and the associations (by alphabetical order): Animath; CERISE; CIJM; Compagnie Terraquée; Fermat Science; HEX&CO; Human Mount; Kangourou des mathématiques; Kafemath; Le Petit Échiquier; Les Maths en Scène; PPCM; Science Ouverte.

    The French Research Institutes of Mathematics Teaching (in French, "IREM: instituts de recherche sur l'enseignement des mathématiques") (web link), France. various collaborations (2012 - Present), in particular (by alphabetical order) with:

      Animath (web link), institut Henri Poincaré (web link), 11 rue Pierre-et-Marie Curie, F-75231 Paris Cedex 05. France. Volunteer member, team previously led by Prof. Dr. Martin Andler (web link), led now by Dir. INRIA Prof. Dr. Fabrice Rouillier (web link) (2016 - present)

      CERISE (web link), 46 rue Montorgueil, F-75002 Paris. France. Volunteer member, team led by Dr. Anne-Valérie Desprez (web link) (2016 - 2017)

      Comité international des jeux mathématiques (CIJM) (web link), institut Henri Poincaré (web link), 11 rue Pierre-et-Marie Curie, F-75231 Paris Cedex 05. France. Volunteer member, team led by Marie José Pestel, D'Alembert Prize 2008 (web link) (2012 - present)

      Compagnie Terraquée (web link), 19 rue de la Boulangerie, F-93200 Saint-Denis. France. Volunteer member, team led by François Perrin (web link) (2016 - 2017)

      Kafemath (web link), chez Blandine Sergent, 148 rue de Charonne, F-75011 Paris, France. Volunteer member, team led by Prof. Dr. François Dubois (web link) (2017 - present)

      Kangourou des mathématiques (web link), 12 rue de l'Épée de Bois, F-75005 Paris, France. Volunteer member, team led by Dr. Jean-Christophe Deledicq (web link) (2017 - present)

      Fermat Science (web link), maison natale de Pierre Fermat, 3 rue Pierre Fermat, F-82500 Beaumont-de-Lomagne, France. collaboration, team led by Claire Adelaïde Montiel (web link) (2017 - present)

      HEX&CO (web link), 97 boulevard Malesherbes, F-75008 Paris. France. Co-Founder and President of the association (2016 - present)

      Human Mount (web link), 50 rue des Tournelles, F-75003 Paris, France. Volunteer member, team led by Dr. Juan Camilo Franco Mansilla (web link) (2016 - present)

      Les Maths en Scène (web link), F-82500 Castanet-Tolosan, France. Volunteer member, team led by Houria Lafrance (web link) (2017 - present)

      Perpignan pour la culture mathématique (PPCM) (web link), 20 rue de Port Bou, F-66000 Perpignan, France. Volunteer member, team led by Martine Vergnac (web link) (2015 - 2017)

      Le Petit Échiquier (web link), 8 rue Armand Numes, F-92600 Asnières sur Seine, France. Member organizer-teacher in school, team led by Laurence Barbier (web link) (2010 - 2011)

      Science Ouverte (web link), 30 rue Armand Carrel, F-93700 Drancy. France. collaboration, team led by François Gaudel (web link) (2016 - 2017)

  Interlude: Game of Hex, interview by Marc-Lionel Gatto (video) Village des Sciences et de l'Innovation VSI, Antibes France, Oct 2016

Organizer and Deputy Director for International Summer Camps, Communication and Scientific Animation

    Social-Educative and Cultural Associations, and Scientific Animations:

        les francas (web link) (région Occitanie, France, 2006-2009)

        la ligue de l'enseignement (web link) (région Occitanie, France, 2005-2007)

        le petit échiquier (web link) (Paris, France, 2010-2011)

        le kangourou sans frontières (web link) (Avoine 2017 and 2019, Blois 2019, France ; Zakopane 2018 and 2019, Poland)

        telligo (web link) (various regions, France and New York City, U.S., 2008-2011)

      Pedagogical supports about the Game of Chess (32 pages, in French), document : discovery and practise for the impatient (pdf), realized for the association Le Petit Échiquier (Paris, France, 2010-2011)

        citations célèbres (pdf),

        échec-et-mat en 1 coup (pdf),

        échec-et-mat en 2 coups (pdf),

        étude : fou contre cavalier (pdf),

        étude : sacrifice Fh7 (pdf),

        initiation et règles (pdf),

        finale : dame contre tour (pdf),

        finales de pions (pdf),

        parties nulles (pdf),

        problème : finale nulle (pdf).

      Communication Responsible and Vice-President of the association Le Cinédit (Paris, France, 2010-2014), initiative and developpement of inter-generational projects:

        International Festival of Images Paris 2010, Paris, France;

        The Chaplin's Saturdays ('Les Samedis de Chaplin'), with the precious support of the company MK2 and the Chaplin's family, Europe;

        Video-games inter-generationnal project 2014, Paris, France.

Passion for Horses

Racehorse stable

    Écurie Jonathan & Lysiane ASSELIE;

    entraîneur public -- trot monté et attelé ;

    soin, pension et entraînement du cheval ;

    élevage Métis, région Sud-Ouest, France ;

    casaque de Loïc Cellier (png).

Service of "colors" from the Société du Cheval Français.
Colors of the horses' owner named Loïc Julien Cellier, defined as follows.

    red gown, white seams, no shoulder pads;

    red sleeves, white herringbone;

    red hat, white seams.

  Souvenir of the horse race 'Prix de Varennes', winner 'Crazy Horse' (video) Cagnes-sur-mer France, Dec 2018 (web link)


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